We are prepared to promote the entrepreneurial movement,
increasing the levels of economic benefitsfor all stakeholders.
Invest with us
Invest with us
Investment plans with a fixed rate of return, between 60 and 180 days depending on the project. Minimum return guaranteed.
Partnership with Mineros
Partnership with Miners
We have an exceptional model for small-scale miners, with all the services required to produce and stay in the marketplace.
Investment Projects
Investment Projects
Latam Investment Group has multiple investment projects in different schemes according to your needs.
Applied Science
Applied Science
Our size allows us to move fast to always find new technological applications for mining.

LATAM INVESTMENT GROUP is a holding company that participates in the extraction, processing and commercialization of small mining projects with extraction of metals and non-metals, either associatively with small miners or with its own properties. Our innovative financing system allows any person to be an investor, promoting applied scientific developments, generating profitability, sustainability and development for the entire Latin American community.
Our purpose is to make the dream of promoting this new mining philosophy come true, with a social, innovative and more profitable perspective that guarantees a safe extraction, with fast returns and with the same standards of large-scale mining.
The LIG Group in Videos.
About Latam Invesment Group
Our presence in Ecuador
Latam Investment Group in Peru
Clean Gold in Argentina

Purpose Strategic.

Our Values
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